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Nowadays, Israel is a developed country and its internet is one of the best in the world. Four universities in Israel are in the Top100 of the best universities in the world and investment in innovation, research and venture capital is higher than in any other country in our planet. Israel received more than 3 million tourists in 2015, due to their famous turistc attractions. In addition to that, Israel has an enormous amount of software developers of the most diverse types. According to The Wall Street Journal, Tel Aviv has become one of the world's great centers of concentration for start-ups. Some say that, because of the potential of the region, Tel Aviv can be considered the Silicon Valley in the Middle East.

Haifa University
At this moment, we can say Israel is passing through a tough moment despite of their war against Arabian countries and Palestines. These conflicts have already killed many people and sent many young Israeli soldiers to war. These things about war and terrorrists, sometimes make people afraid of going to Israel or living there, but the true is that Israel is one of the most developed countries in the world and has been finding cures for diseases, fighting against evil terrorrist groups, inovating tecnology and donating money for charity.

young Israeli soldiers doing their duty

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